Romanticization of Domestic Violence by Celebrities

So I actually saw something Friday that triggered my blog post for this week's topic, and that was the new Jesy Nelson music video where guess what? She is getting beat up by a man! I saw a snippet of the music video on Twitter, and I had to check out the full video. The music video is basically her and this man getting together and getting serious but eventually, things turn dark. She's fulfilling the stereotypes we as women have put on us, like cooking dinner and setting the table so it is ready when he comes home. Instead, he never comes to dinner and instead is out cheating on

her, but when he does come home, the domestic abuse kicks in. He comes back a while later, and shocker she takes him back. Throughout the song itself, she says she knows he's a bad guy but she will still be with him no matter how bad she treats her. Throughout the song she says “I know you’re damaged goods” but the last word of the song she changes it to “I know i’m damaged goods” and that she lets him abuse her because she doesnt think she is worthy of love.

This music video, although is something girls can relate to, is very toxic and ultimately sets women back. The song was one thing, but ultimately Jesy's portrayal of domestic violence and her saying "I'm going to keep on coming back until you leave me" can give men the idea that it is ok to hit women. This ultimately leads to females being seen as inferior. We should work to make society more equitable for women by uplifting them and putting them in more powerful positions. Women should stop spreading the narrative of domestic violence being okay because “you love them”.