"This is How The Police Treat Black People"

   Yesterday I was walking to my car after class, and I noticed an abundance of cop cars by the language building. I thought it was strange but, at the time, did not think much of it. When I got closer, I saw that there actually was a commotion. There was a black man in mid-conversation with a policeman, and he was waving his phone in the policeman's face and then would show the small crowd that had begun to form. "Do you see how he's treating me?!" Then he turned to the policeman and said, "This is how the police treat black people!" After asking around, I found out that supposedly he was being accused of trespassing for being in one of the buildings on campus. He starts waving his student ID, saying he showed it to the police but that it didn't matter; they still wanted his real id so they could look into him. I had to walk away before finding out more because I didn't want to be filmed, but it stuck with me how this man was being treated and his words. It reminds me of when we discussed how black people were represented in the media. I remember the 2 different headlines we had discussed how white people are reflected, with a family photo discussing the good things they've done in their life regardless of whatever crime they've committed meanwhile, black people will have their criminal record posted with any information that would make then even more of a villain. It also makes me think of the video "White Like Me" and how he grew up in a poor area around many black people but still had more privilege than they did because he was white. I feel bad that I did not step in to help and exercise my privilege to help him, but I didn't know what I would do in the situation. In the grand scheme of things, it was the first time I had ever seen something like this happen in front of my eyes so it was just something that made me think about the fact nowadays, anytime a black person is in danger, they have to record the situation for anyone to believe them meanwhile white people have it given.